For more info: JSi@jsits.com
- [ LTL2000
Retrometer ] - [ QD30
Reflectometer ] |
On site
quality control of road markings in agreement with CEN specifications
- Textured and profiled surfaces
- Dry & wet surfaces
- Measurement in full daylight
- Stray light compensation
- Portable, selfcontained instrument
- Measurement geometry corresponding to realistic viewing conditions
in daylight and in roadlighting in agreement with the prEN 1436
- Direct digital read-out of the mean luminance coefficient in diffuse
illumination, Qd
- Built-in printer
- Data storage in internal non-volatile memory
- RS 232 serial interface for data output, extended control,
calibration and diagnostics
- Carrying case, including calibration standard
The Qd30 Reflectometer is a Self-contained, portable instrument with
built-in power supply capable to measure reflection properties of road
surfaces and road markings observed by drivers of vehicules under day -
and roadlighting conditions. The Qd30 Refletometer measures the reflection
and calculates the mean luminance coefficient in diffuse illumination (Qd)
in agreement with the prEN 1436 specifications. Results is shown on 32
characters LCD display. Built-in printer and non-volatile memory provide
registration of measurement results and corresponding supplementary
Serial interface RS232 is included for extented control, calibration
and data output. The Qd30 Reflectometer is powered by a rechargeable
battery with a capacity corresponding to approx. 1000 measurements. A
mains powered battery charger is supplied as a standard accessory.
QD30 Reflectometer Specifications
(Specifications in agreement with prEN 1436 draft:)
- Field of measurement: width 45mm x length (typ.) 175 mm
- Illumination: diffuse according to CEN
- Observation angle: 2.29°
- Aperture angle: ±0.17°
- Equivalent observation distance: 30m
- Min. reading (mcd-m-2-lx-1): 0
- Max. reading (mcd-m-2-lx-1): 318
- Quantity: Qd, mean luminance coefficient in diffuse illumination
- Instrument dimensions: 71 L x 57 W x 48 H cm
- Weight: 12 kg
- Gross weight: 30 kg
- Power supply: internal 12V, 3.5Ah sealed lead-acid battery external
- Memory capacity: min. 1000 measurements
- Serial communication: 9600, N, 8, 1
Interface: RS232
Technical references
- A review of the suitability of the average luminance coefficient. Qo
for road surfaces and road markings and proposal for a different
parameter. Light & Optic Note No. 8.
- Mean luminance coefficient in diffuse illumination, Qd, for road
surfaces and road markings. Laboratory tests. Light & Optics No. 21.
- CEN/TC226 WG2 "Horizontal Signalization" Horizontal Roadmarkings
Applied on the Road, Performance for Road Users, Draft 1992.
- BAST - Test report of the lighting engineering part characteristics
of the Qd30 Reflectometer, Test No. 4594.
- Qd30 Reflectometer - Comparison of laboratory and daylight
measurements. Night Traffic Note 1 - Nordic Research Cooperation
Standard Delivery
- Qd30
- Carrying case
- Reflection standard - calibrated
- Battery charger
- Calibration certificate
- Calibration service
Selected references
- Bundesanstalt für Straßenwesen - (D)
- Deutshe Studiengesellshaft für Straßenmarkierungen - (D)
- Degussa AG - (D)
- Transportministerium - (ES)
- French Road Reasearch Center (LCPC) - (F)
- Superfos Construction A/S - (DK)
- Belgian Road Reseach Center - (B)
- Road and Traffic Reasearch Institute - (S)
- Cleanosol AB - (S)