For more info:
- [ 2020 Portable tubidity
meter ]
- [ Microprocessor Based
Turbidity Meter ]
- [ Portable Turbidi-
meter ]
- [ Turbidity Probe ]
Źµµ ÃøÁ¤±â(Microprocessor
Based Turbidity Meter )

The ANALITE 160 turbidity meter
- ¹üÀ§0.0 to20,000NTU
(4,000NTU limit on 90¡Æ probe)
(over four ranges automatically determined).
- µð½ºÇ÷¹ÀÌisplay: 2 line, 16-character dot matrix alphanumeric liquid
crystal display.
- µð½ºÇ÷¹ÀÌ ¾ð¾î: English standard, other languages available to order.
- Æз¯¸ÞŸ:
Turbidity (NTU) - default
Relative Turbidity Reference (NTU)
Relative Turbifity (Turbidity - Relative Turbidity Reference
Date/Time - default
- ÃøÁ¤¼Ò¿ä ½Ã°£: updated every 1 second.
- Æò±ÕÄ¡:
0.5 second or 10 seconds nominal - user selectable.
- ¹üÀ§ ½ºÅÜ:
1 <0.1 to
2 <1 to 200NTU
3 <10 to
4 <100 to
20,000NTU (using 180¡Æ probe only)
- ºÐÇØ´É:
1 0.02NTU
2 0.1NTU
3 1NTU
4 10NTU
- ÀçÇö¼º:
2% ¡¾ digit on all ranges.
- Data Logging: User set for one reading every 1 to 90 seconds or
minutes. All readings stored in the Notepad.
- Notepad:
100 readings each with time and date.
- ¼³Ä¡ ¼ø¼:
Menu driven, including:
- Calibration
- Automatic Logging
- Analogue output range selection
- Reference Turbidity value
- Setting date and time.
- ¸Þ¸ð¸®:
Non-volatile EEPROM.
- Ŭ·°:
Calendar clock displays date and time. Year 2000 compliant.
- ½Ç½À¿ë:
All readings as well as calibration constants are stored together
with the Time and Date and can be recalled at and time.
- ¾Æ³¯·Î±× ¾Æ¿ôDz: 0 - 2 volts full scale corresponding to preset measurement
range. Output impedance 600 ohms nominal.
- Àü¿ø:
Internal: 6V NiMH rechargeable battery.
External: 12 to 16V dc, 100mA max. incl. NiMH Charge current.
- ÀÚµ¿ Àü¿ø:
Automatic power down when operating from batteries after approx.
5 minutes may be selected. Automatic power up when powered externally.
Low battery indication prior to shut down.
- ÃøÁ¤Ä¡:
Inbuilt LCD, analogue output and optional RS232 port.
- RS232 Port (¼±Åûç¾ç): The optional RS232 port can output readings on request
or at preset intervals of time from 1 to 90 seconds or minutes.
The Notepad memory can also be downloaded on request.
9600 baud rate, 8 bits, no parity, 1 stop bit, Xon/Xoff protocol.
- ¿ÜÇü:
187mm x 110 mm x 51 mm (display unit)
- ¹«°Ô:
Display unit 0.5kg
180¡Æ probe 0.2kg with 2m lead
90¡Æ probe 0.2kg with 2m
- ÀÛµ¿ ¿Âµµ ¹üÀ§: 0 to 50¡ÆC
- ½Àµµ ÃøÁ¤ ¹üÀ§: 0 to 90% RH
- ÃøÁ¤ ¿Âµµ ¹üÀ§: -10 to 60¡ÆC
CAT. NO. |
NEP160....... |
Display unit |
NEP160-1 |
NEP160 with general purpose NEP352
- 180¡Æ probe |
NEP160-3 |
NEP160 with NEP290 - 90¡Æ probe |