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- [ PCB/Chloride
Analyzer Model
L2000 ] - [ Test
Kit Water content in
Oil-Hydroscout ] |
PCB/Chloride analyzer
Model L2000
The Dexsil L2000 provides a fast, easy, accurate way of quantifying
PCBs (polychlorinated biphenyls) in both soil and transformer oil.
Designed to be used in the field, it provides a part per million readout
on an LCD display and operates over the range of 2 to 2000 ppm.
L2000 PCB/Chloride Analyzer is a portable instrument used to test for the
presence of PCBs in soil, in transformer oil, and on surfaces. It uses a
chloride specific electrode to quantify the concentration of PCBs in a
sample after the sample has been reacted with a reagent that removes all
of the chloride from the organic molecule. The instrument converts the
chloride reading into ppm PCB and displays the result on the LCD readout.
When the Aroclor type is known, the concentration of PCBs can be
accurately quantified by the L2000. If the Aroclor type is unknown, a
general screening test can be run that will provide an upper limit for the
amount of PCB that the sample contains. An inexperienced operator can
learn to use the L2000 in a few minutes by simply reviewing the operator's
manual. A test takes less than 10 minutes to run. All required reagents
are in the reagent pack that is supplied with the instrument.
Industry Acceptance The L2000 has been
in the field since 1989. Hundreds of units are in use worldwide. The L2000
has received EPA approval and has been assigned SW-846 number 9078.
Uses and Limitations The L2000 is
sensitive to organic chloride from any source, not just PCBs, so if other
chlorinated organic compounds are present, they will be detected as well.
This also means that the L2000 may be used to test for DDT and other
chlorinated pesticides and herbicides. Inorganic chlorides such as road
salt will not be detected by this method. A ten gram soil sample is
required to complete the test. A portable electronic balance is included
with the instrument. The range of detection for the instrument is from
2 ppm to 2000 ppm. It can be operated over a temperature range of 5°C to
45°C. The results achieved with the L2000 are unaffected by moisture up to
20%. Unlike other field tests for PCBs, petroleum hydrocarbons do not
interfere with the test.
Using the L2000 The L2000 works by
detecting all of the chlorinated organic chemicals in a given soil or
transformer oil sample. In the case of a soil, the sample (10 g) is
weighed out using the electronic balance included with the instrument. It
is then extracted with a proprietary extraction solvent and a cleanup
column to remove any inorganic chloride. This system extracts greater than
90% of the PCBs that may be present without interference from inorganic
chlorides. This extract (or in the case of an oil sample, the oil it self)
is then reacted with an alkali metal reagent which strips any chlorine
atoms that are present off of the organic molecule. The resulting chloride
ions are transferred from the organic extract solution to an aqueous based
solution where the concentration of chloride ions can be measured
accurately with a chloride ion specific electrode. The L2000 translates
the reading from the electrode into parts per million PCBs and displays
the reading on the LCD display.
Training The L2000 has been
designed to be used by those with little or no training in analytical
chemistry. No calculations are required and reagent handling has been
minimized by shipping the reagents in pre-measured, breakable glass
ampules. Users should understand what a PCB is and should know the
difference between Aroclor 1242 and Aroclor 1260. Users should also be
trained in the safe handling of reagent chemicals.
CAT. NO. |
DEL2000-00 |
PCB/Chloride Analyzer Model
L2000 | |