For more info: JSi@jsits.com
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and Plate Digital Viscometer
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ICI Cone and Plate Digital
The CPD 96 Unit is the new generation REL product.
This has involved REL building on both the inherent strengths of its
tried and tested cone and plate technology ad the advantages made
available by advances in modem computer science to develop a
viscometer for use into the 21st century. |

With the importance of quality control in today's business
environment in mind, REL have designed the CPD series to meet the process
and quality controls in the paint, resins, food, inks, bitumen, oil,
adhesives and pharmaceutical industries.
Features & Benefits:
- Digital display : enables readings to be easily and
accurately taken.
- Displays : Instrument range, Plate temperature, Reading
Interface with Printer and PC:
- Ease of use : Operating the equipment requires only a
simple operation, with a sample a minute easily achievable.
- Small sample size : Less than 1 ml.
- Easy Cleaning Reliable : Designed for service over a
period of 10-30 years
- Durability : Built to withstand use in rugged
- Accuracy : ±2% of full scale
- Made to Order : Equipment may be configured to suit
customer requirements.
- High Rate of shear : See technical
- Thermostatic Control : Available in two different
ranges :
- The Low Temperature model 10-75°C
- The High Temperature model 25-230°C
- Timed Test Capability
- Auto - Zero
- Competitive Princing : REL's experience and flexibility
enables us to provide our customers with value for money, high quality
Specifications :
- Electrical Supply : 220-240 Volts or 110-120
50/60 Hz single phase
- Power : 125 Watts
- Standard Viscosity
- Ranges For Single
- Speed :
- 750 RPM :
0-2 poises @ 10,000 sec-1 0-2.5 poises @ 10,000
sec-1 0-5 poises @ 10,000 sec-1 0-10 poises @ 10,000
sec-1 0-20 poises @ 2,500 sec-1 0-40 poises @ 2,500
sec-1 0-100 poises @ 2,500 sec-1
- 60 RPM :
0-62.5 poises @ 800 sec-1 0-125 poises @ 800
sec-1 0-250 poises @ 200 sec-1 0-500 poises @ 200 sec-1
- Cone Type : To suit range : 0-2, 0-2.5, 0-5, 0-10,
0-20, 0-40, 0-100 poises.
- Accuracy : ±2% of full scale, confirmed using PRA
oils traceable to national standard at 25°C
- Warm up from Cold : 10 minutes
- Temperature control of sample : One or three
switched temperatures in the range 10°C-75°C.
Six switched
temperatures in the range 25-230°C.
- Additional Features : Auto - Zero, Delayed Readout,
Configured to suit customer requirements, e.g. Raised Plate.
- Digital Display : Plate Temperature, Instrument
Range (poises), Reading Poise or centiPoise (cP)
- Printer Interface : Parallel Centronic
- PC Interface : RS232
NO. |
RELICIVISD.......... |
Digital Cone & Plate Viscometer
Single Temperature Including Icone |
RELICIVISD-1....... |
Same but with three Temperatures
10°C-75°C |
RELICIVISD-2....... |
Same but with six Temperatures
25°C-230°C |
RELICIVISD-3....... |
Printer Interface |
RELICIVISD-4....... |
R.C. Interface |
RELICIVISD-5....... |
Extra Cones |
RELICIVISD-6....... |
Pcone | |