For more info: JSi@jsits.com |
Food Safety
Geneq now offers the perfect solution to ensure that you are doing
all you possibly can to eliminate the dangers of temperature related
foodborne illness. Choose from multi-packs that offer the basic
bimetal thermometers or the more advance kits in hard carry cases which
include a Waterproof Thermocouple and specialty probes.
Model FS201 Includes:
- Model FW2000MK Waterproof Thermocouple
- Model 460 Infrared Thermometer
- Model 9339 Soft Pouch/Holster for Model FW2000MK
- Model 6050MK Flexible Teflon Probe
- Model 4050MK Weighted Surface/Griddle Probe
- Model 3110MK 10" Vat Probe
- Model TS100 Stopwatch/Timer with Nylon Rope
Model FS202
Model FS200
For those who already own Geneq's Model FW2000MK
Waterproof Thermocouple this is the perfect kit for you.
Model FS200 includes:
- Model 400 - Infrared Thermometer w/o Laser
- Model 9339 - Soft Pouch/Holster for Model FW2000MK and
Two Probes
- Model 6050MK - Flexible Teflon Probe
- Model 4050MK - Weighted Surface/Griddle Probe
- Model 3110MK - 10" Vat Probe
- Model TS100 - Stopwatch/Timer with Nylon Rope
Model FS250 and FS252
Smaller versions of the FS201 and FS202, these economical
kits are the best starter kits on the market.
Model FS250 includes
- Model FW2000MK - Waterproof Thermocouple
- Model 1420MK - Surface Probe
- Model 6050MK - Fexible Teflon Probe
Model FS252 includes
- Model FW2000MK - Waterproof Thermocouple
- Model 1420MK - Surface Probe
Model FS055
This blister-carded package features Pocket Test
thermometers in two popular temperature ranges. NFS Certified.
- Model 1246-02 - Recalibrateable Pocket Test Thermometer
with calibration sheath, temperature range 0° to 200°F
- Model 1246-03 - Recalibrateable Pocket Test Thermometer
with calibration sheath, temperature range 50° to 550°F
Model FS050
For all kitchens, this package features Geneq's
professional bimetal cooking thermometers with HACCP dials. NSF
- Model 322 - Deep-Fry/Candy/Jelly Thermometer,
temperature range 200° to 400°F
- Model 323 - Meat Thermometer, temperature range 130° to
190°F (54° to 88°C)
- Model 24HP - Oven Thermometer, temperature range 200°
to 600°F (100° to 300°C)
- Model 25HP - Refrigerator/Freezer/Dry Storage
Thermometer, temperature range -20° to 90°F (-30° to 30°C)