ER Mapper
Serve images of any size to any application - via
the web!

New Breakthrough Technology
The Image Web Server uses powerful ECW (Enhanced Compressed Wavlet) compression
technology to allow you to interactively roam and zoom across high resolution
images in real time, via the Internet.
Serve images to any application with free plugins
- Use Image Web Server images online within all popular image processing,
GIS, CAD and Microsoft Office products
- Images can be served to any application - not just to web browsers
Combine different types of data
- View mosaics of different types of data even when the resolution (cell
size) varies
E-Commerce enabled (Enterprise edition only)
- Integrate with standard E-Commerce web server billing services
- Sell your data by the megabyte, transferring only the portion of the
image required
- Charge yearly subscription fees, charge per-view or bill customers
per MB
- Catalogue your data and sell it over the internet using low cost web
serving hardware
- Expend your data sales to a global market
- Produce on-line data catalogues
- Customers can easily purchase sub-sets of images on-line
High resolution data at high speed
- No need produce thousands of low resolution thumbnail JPEG images
- Serve the same high resolution data anywhere in the world via the
Internet at its original resolution from a standard PC server
- Roam and zoom Terabyte (1,000GB) size images in real time over the
Internet or on secure Intranets
- Interactivively manipulate data stored on a central server through
secure Intranets
Embed images directly into any application with free plugins
- ArcView
- MapInfo Professional V4.5 and V5.0 and MapX
- MapImagery for MapInfo
- AutoCAD Map and Autodesk World
- Photoshop
- Microsoft Office programs such Word and Excel (with ER Viewer 1.3)
Web plugins
- Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.01/5
- Netscape Navigator 4.5+
Customize your Web pages
- Use the Image Web Server's ActiveX controls with VBScript, JavaScript
and HTML to easily add functions to your Web pages
Free ECW Compression and Decompression SDK's
Create plugins for your own applications with free open standard ECW
Compression and Decompression SDK libraries.
There are free developer packs to help you develop plugins almost any
SDK libraries are provided free of change by earth Resource Mapping as
part of our ECW Open Standard commitments.
There are 5 editions of the Image Web Server
For pricing and further details on the range of Image Web Servers contact
your nearest Earth Resource Mapping Regional Office.