For more info: JSi@jsits.com
- [ ColiGel ] - [
E*Colite ]
- [ PathoGel ]

- Quantitation of coliforms and E.coli
- Single use, self contained biosafe design
- Simple procedure - no filters or media preparation
- Easy interpretation
ColiGel is a carbohydrate rich, selective medium particularly
adept at resuscitation and detection of chlorine stressed coliform and
E.coli encountered in drinking, bottled and food/beverage rinse/dilution
Simple — The bag design houses all test components. Simply
add water sample no preparation, no test bottles. The bag also acts as a
sample container. There are no collection bottles or loose sodium
thiosulfate tablets. Reagents are stable up to 12 months at room
Procedure — Add water sample and seal the bag. Push the
water into the medium compartment. Medium will automatically gel. Incubate
in rack or portable incubator at 35°C for 28 hours.
Interpretation — If blue spots appear, coliforms are
present. The number of blue spots equals the number of coliforms in the
sample. If a blue coliform spot fluoresces under UV light, it is E.coli
and the test is complete. If no blue spots fluoresce, continue incubating
an additional 20 hours (total 48 hours). The number of blue spots that
fluoresce after the 48 hours equals the number of E.coli in the sample. If
a blue spot does not fluoresce after 48 hours, the spot is coliform but
not E.coli.
Sensitive — ColiGel can detect a single microorganism in 100
ml water.
Easy- ColiGel uses X-gal indicator to produce an indigo blue
positive reaction. This blue color, as opposed to traditional yellow
color, vastly improves interpretation of turbid or rust and heterotrophic
bacteria contaminated waters. All reagents and containers are self
enclosed, reducing space for supplies and eliminating accessory inventory,
tracking and storage.
Versatile- ColiGel has application to both food and water. Food
can be diluted into water up to 10 grams per 100 ml to detect fecal
indicators to higher sensitivity levels than conventional techniques.
Produce and tissue rinse water may be monitored for fecal surface
contamination. For water potability, a non-gelling presence/absence
version, E*Colite, has been evaluated under EPA-ATP (alternative test
procedure) approval process. However, ColiGel's quantitative results may
be desirable for surface water, reclaimed water, or farm water
Bio-safe- A self enclosed bactericide is provided to
introduce a 7-8 log reduction of any grown organisms before trash
disposal. The bactericide provides critical bio-safety for operations
without access to an autoclave.